© 2024 Prime Residence. All rights reserved.
In order to facilitate the leasing process, it is very important that we have all the necessary information for the execution of the contract.
Content of the clauses:
Guarantees (Bonds and/or Deposits). As a general rule we apply the following:
After check-out and valuation, by law, the property has up to 30 days to return the guarantees before cleaning and checking on any damages to the property that may have occurred.
9. 10. The contract is governed by Law 29/94 of Urban Lease Contracts (LAU) and its amendments by Law 19/2009, of November 23, and Law 4/2013, of June 4, of measures for the promotion and procedural acceleration of the rent, which the parties expressly declare applicable.
11. Address for information or notifications.
PRIME RESIDENCE contracts always carry an attachment with a floor plan of the house and a complete inventory, which will also be signed and stamped by the property.
If you have any questions about the legal information, please contact us so we can clarify what you need.
Identifying information
In accordance with the Law of Services of the Information Society and e-Commerce we inform you that the owner of this website is the trademark PRIME RESIDENCE.
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These rights are protected by Spanish and international laws on the matter, so that any violation of them will be pursued by means of the legal actions that PRIME RESIDENCE considers appropriate.
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Yours sincerely,
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